Our client, Bob H. of Arlington, Virginia, had us haul away some stuff from his house as he was downsizing. His wife had died a few years earlier. He told us she had collected dolls for about 50 years from around the world and he thought they were upstairs in a box in the attic. We checked it out.
We found the box. We sold one of the dolls, shown below, for $422 on eBay to a gentleman in Austria! It was a music box doll, made in France in the late 1800's.
Bob paid us $550 to haul away one large truckload of stuff from his house. We sold over $2,000 worth of stuff out of the truck. Bob got 50% of the sales proceeds back, which after taking out eBay's fees came to $931!
So how much did Bob's junk removal job cost?
Don't just pay for junk removal, GET PAID! Best of all, we do all the work! For the full story, visit 1800junkrefund.com. Stay tuned for more stories!